How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js Tailwind Css and Apple Podcast API Part 4

Photo by C D-X on Unsplash

How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js Tailwind Css and Apple Podcast API Part 4


10 min read

Building the Podcast Details Screen

In this part, we would go back to the PodcastDetailsScreen component to put the finishing touches on it. In the first part, we created the PodcastDetailsScreen and added a placeholder text to test it.

The PodcastDetailsScreen component displays the podcast details screen, which has more details about podcasts and their episodes with buttons for users to play/pause each episode.

The PodcastDetailsScreen component has a lot of children components... and even grandchildren components. But the technology behind it has been discussed in earlier parts of this tutorial. So I won't explain them in detail here.

To implement the podcast details screen, do the following

  • Install react-infinite-scroll-component and moment
  • Create two functions to handle colors for podcast categories
  • Update MainSection component
  • Create ReleaseDate component
  • Create EpisodeDuration component
  • Create EpisodeDescription component
  • Create EpisodeDescription component
  • Create PodcastDetailsEpisodes component
  • Create PodcastDetailsBody component
  • Create PodcastDetailsHeader component
  • Create a LoadMore icon
  • Update PodcastDetailsScreen component

Other parts of the tutorial

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 1

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 2

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 3

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 4

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 5

Install react-infinite-scroll-component and moment


yarn add react-infinite-scroll-component moment

react-infinite-scroll-component is a module that handles lazy loading.

Some podcasts have more than 500 episodes. So when a user visits the podcast details page, at first, only ten episodes will be displayed. Then, as they scroll down, more episodes will appear. That is where react-infinite-scroll-component comes in.

moment is a module that handles the formatting of date and time elegantly. It will be used to get the podcast release date format.

Create two functions to handle colours for podcast categories

In the utils folder created earlier, create a file called genreColor.js

Copy the code below into genreColors.js:

export const getGenreColor = (genre) => {
  // Return specific color for each genre
  switch (genre) {
    case 'Entrepreneurship':
      return 'bg-pink-500'
    case 'Podcasts':
      return 'bg-purple-500'
    case 'Business':
      return 'bg-indigo-500'
    case 'News':
      return 'bg-blue-500'
    case 'History':
      return 'bg-green-500'
    case 'Society & Culture':
      return 'bg-red-500'
    case 'Religion & Spirituality':
      return 'bg-yellow-500'
    case 'True Crime':
      return 'bg-red-800'
    case 'Design':
      return 'bg-blue-500'

      return 'bg-gray-500'

export const getGenreGradientColor = (genre) => {
  // Return specific color for each genre
  switch (genre) {
    case 'Entrepreneurship':
      return 'from-pink-900'
    case 'Podcasts':
      return 'from-purple-900'
    case 'Business':
      return 'from-indigo-900'
    case 'News':
      return 'from-blue-900'
    case 'History':
      return 'from-green-900'
    case 'Society & Culture':
      return 'from-red-900'
    case 'Religion & Spirituality':
      return 'from-yellow-900'
    case 'True Crime':
      return 'from-red-900'
    case 'Design':
      return 'from-blue-900'

      return 'from-blue-500'

This file has two functions:

getGenreColor takes the genre of a podcast and returns a color for the podcast genre pills. If the genre doesn't match any of the cases, it returns the default.

getGenreGradientColor does the same, although it returns a background color in a gradient format used to make the top section of each podcast details screen look different.

Update MainSection component

Overwrite the code in MainSection.jsx with the code below:

import React from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-router-dom'

import HomeScreen from '../screens/HomeScreen'
import SearchScreen from '../screens/SearchScreen'
import PodcastDetailsScreen from '../screens/PodcastDetailsScreen'
import GenreListScreen from '../screens/GenreListScreen'

const MainSection = ({ handlePause, handlePlay }) => {
  return (
      <main className=" player-section pl-0 md:pl-60  min-h-screen min-w-full">
          <Route exact path="/" component={HomeScreen}></Route>
          <Route exact path="/Search" component={SearchScreen}></Route>
          <Route exact path="/podcast/:collectionId" render={(props) => (<PodcastDetailsScreen {...props} handlePause={handlePause} handlePlay={handlePlay} />)} />
          <Route exact path="/genre/:genreId" component={GenreListScreen}></Route>

export default MainSection

Updated the route for PodcastDetailsScreen so that it can pass the functions down to its children's components.

Create ReleaseDate component

Create a file in the components folder called ReleaseDate.jsx.

Copy the following code into ReleaseDate.jsx

import React from 'react'
import moment  from 'moment'

const ReleaseDate = (props) => {
    const { date } = props

    const date_string = moment(date).format('DD MMM YYYY')
    return (
          <span className="text-xs pl-3">{ date_string }</span>

export default ReleaseDate

This component uses moment to get the date of a podcast episode release in our desired format.

Create EpisodeDuration component

Create a file in the components folder called EpisodeDuration.jsx.

Copy the following code into EpisodeDuration.jsx:

import React from 'react'

const EpisodeDuration = ({ duration }) => {

    let new_duration = ''

    if (duration) {
        new_duration = Math.floor((duration / 1000) / 60) + " min"

    return (
                new_duration ?
                    <span className="px-1">&bull;</span>
                    <span className="text-xs">


export default EpisodeDuration

This component receives the duration of a podcast episode as a destructured property of the prop then returns the duration in minutes if it is defined. Else it returns nothing.

Create EpisodeDescription component

Create a file in the components folder called EpisodeDescription.jsx.

Copy the following code into EpisodeDescription.jsx:

import React, { useState } from 'react'

const NewLine = (text) => {
  return <div style={{ whiteSpace: "pre-wrap" }}>{text}</div>

const EpisodeDescription = ({ description, characterCount, readMore }) => {

  const [isReadMore, setIsReadMore] = useState(true)

  const toggleReadMore = () => {

  return (
      <div className="text-xs">
          description ?
              {isReadMore ? description.slice(0, characterCount) + '...' : NewLine(description)}
                readMore &&
                <span onClick={toggleReadMore} className="font-black underline cursor-pointer text-white">
                  {isReadMore ? <span>read more</span> : <span className="block text-right -mt-4 ">read less</span>}
            <span className="italic text-gray-600">No description</span>




export default EpisodeDescription

This component is reusable. It accepts the description, characterCount, readMore which is a boolean to determine whether some text should be hidden and show a 'read more' button when truncated.

It cuts the description according to characterCount specified. Then, it uses the NewLine to ensure that React respects the HTML tags within the description because the Apple API description includes HTML tags.

And it returns 'No description' if description is undefined.

Create PodcastDetailsEpisodes component

Create a file in the components folder called PodcastDetailsEpisodes.jsx.

Copy the following code into PodcastDetailsEpisodes.jsx:

import React from 'react'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import ReleaseDate from './ReleaseDate'
import EpisodeDuration from './EpisodeDuration'
import EpisodeDescription from './EpisodeDescription'

import play_button from '../img/play_button.svg'
import pause_button from '../img/pause_button.svg'

const PodcastDetailsEpisodes = ({ episodes, handlePause, handlePlay }) => {
  const currentTrack = useSelector((state) => state.currentTrack)
  const { isPlaying, episode: { episodeUrl } } = currentTrack

  return (
        episodes &&
          { => (
                className="flex w-full max-w-full mx-auto overflow-hidden 
                            hover:bg-gray-900 border-b border-gray-800
                             shadow-md px-4  py-6">
                  className="object-cover w-32 h-32 rounded pt-5 md:pt-1"
                  alt="User avatar"
                  src={episode.artworkUrl160} />

                <div className="flex items-center">
                  <div className="pl-3">
                    <div className=" dark:text-gray-200">
                      <h3 className="font-medium pb-2 text-white">{episode.trackName}</h3>
                      <EpisodeDescription description={episode.description} characterCount={150} readMore={true} />
                      <div className="pt-3 flex ">
                          isPlaying === true && episodeUrl === episode.episodeUrl ?
                              onClick={(e) => handlePlay(episode)(e)}
                        <ReleaseDate date={episode.releaseDate} />
                        <EpisodeDuration duration={episode.trackTimeMillis} />


export default PodcastDetailsEpisodes

This component brings together some of the smaller components that have been defined above. Like the ReleaseDate,EpisodeDurationandEpisodeDescription``. It is the component that holds data of each episode on the podcast details page.

It receives 3 properties episodes, handlePause and handlePlay. It also subscribes to the Redux store because it implements the play/pause functionality. So it accesses isPlaying from the store. It has two images for buttons that users can click to play or pause audio. The images/buttons change according to the value of isPlaying whether it's true/false.

Create PodcastDetailsBody component

Create a file in the components folder called PodcastDetailsBody.jsx.

Copy the following code into PodcastDetailsBody.jsx:

import React, { useState } from 'react'
import InfiniteScroll from 'react-infinite-scroll-component'

import PodcastDetailsEpisodes from './PodcastDetailsEpisodes'
import LoadMore from '../containers/Spinner/LoadMore'

const PodcastDetailsBody = ({ episodes, handlePause, handlePlay }) => {

  const [count, setCount] = useState({ prev: 1, next: 10 })
  const [hasMore, setHasMore] = useState(true);
  const [current, setCurrent] = useState(episodes.slice(count.prev,

  const getMoreData = () => {
    if (current.length  + 10 >= episodes.length) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      setCurrent(current.concat(episodes.slice(count.prev + 10, + 10)))
    }, 1000)
    setCount((prevState) => ({ prev: prevState.prev + 10, next: + 10 }))

  return (
    <div className="flex max-w-full md:px-8 px-0 text-left text-gray-300">
      <div className="md:w-7/12 w-full">
          loader={<LoadMore />}
          <PodcastDetailsEpisodes episodes={current} handlePause={handlePause} handlePlay={handlePlay} />

      <div className="w-5/12 h-32 pl-12 md:block hidden">
        <h2 className="font-semibold text-2xl">About</h2>
        <p className="text-1xl font-thin pt-4">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur corrupti cupiditate quibusdam magnam ipsum.
          Eveniet numquam sit, dignissimos rerum nihil quod mollitia, natus tempora ullam, esse dolores error repellat nisi.

export default PodcastDetailsBody

Explain more of the top Component

Explain more of the top Component

Explain more of the top Component

Create PodcastDetailsHeader component

Create a file in the components folder called PodcastDetailsHeader.jsx.

Copy the following code into PodcastDetailsHeader.jsx:

import React from 'react'
import { getGenreColor, getGenreGradientColor } from '../utils/genreColor'

const PodcastDetailsHeader = ({ podcastDetails }) => {
  return (
    <div className={` bg-gradient-to-b ${getGenreGradientColor(podcastDetails.genres[0])}`}>

      <div className="md:px-8 md:pt-28 md:py-6 p-3 pb-6 flex flex-row flex-grow">

        <div className="md:w-1/5 w-2/6">
          <img src={podcastDetails.artworkUrl600} className="rounded-lg" alt={podcastDetails.artworkUrl600} />

        <div className="text-left md:pl-4 pl-2 shadow font-semibold hover:shadow-md">
          <h1 className="text-left text-gray-100 text-3xl md:text-5xl md:pt-5 font-black ">
          <p className="text-left text-gray-100 py-1 pb-1 text-sm font-thin">
          <div className="text-left p-1">

            { => (
                className={`text-xs text-white p-0.5 mr-1 rounded font-thin ${getGenreColor(genre)}`} 


          <p className="text-left text-xs text-gray-300 py-1">{podcastDetails.trackCount} Episodes</p>


      <div className="px-8 flex flex-row">
              {/* <ListenButton /> the non functional red button */}

export default PodcastDetailsHeader

This component is the header of the podcast details screen. It displays relevant details about the podcast. Like the name, description, and genres. It also implements the background colour gradient according to the main podcast genre.

Create a LoadMore icon

We need a loading icon to support our infinite scrolling. It would be an indicator to let the user know that more podcast is loading. And when there is no more podcast to load. This load more icons will disappear.

Visit this site to get loading elements. You can choose anyone.

In the Spinner within the containers folder. Then create two files in the Spinner folder called LoadMore.css and LoadingMore.jsx.

You can copy mine.

๐Ÿ”— You can visit GitHub and copy LoadMore.css and LoadMore.jsx.

Update PodcastDetailsScreen component

Now we can update the PodcastDetailsScreen component, that is in the screens folder.

Copy the code below and overwrite the PodcastDetailsScreen file:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'

import PodcastDetailsBody from '../components/PodcastDetailsBody'
import PodcastDetailsHeader from '../components/PodcastDetailsHeader'

import Loading from '../containers/Spinner/Loading'

import { BASE_URL } from '../utils/consts'

function PodcastDetailsScreen({ match: { params: { collectionId } }, handlePause, handlePlay }) {
  const [podcast, setPodcast] = useState({})

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchAPI = async () => {
        .then(data => {
        .catch(err => console.log(err))
  }, [collectionId]);

  const { results } = podcast

  let podcastList, podcastDetails

  if (results) {
    podcastDetails = results[0]
    podcastList = results.slice(1, results.length)

  return (
        results ?
            <PodcastDetailsHeader podcastDetails={podcastDetails} />
            <PodcastDetailsBody episodes={podcastList} handlePause={handlePause} handlePlay={handlePlay} />
            <Loading />

const getPodcast = async (collectionId) => {
  const response = await axios.get(`${BASE_URL}lookup?id=${collectionId}&country=US&media=podcast&entity=podcastEpisode&limit=400`)

export default PodcastDetailsScreen

Most of the technology in this file has been covered in other parts of this tutorial. Like the loading, API call, BASE_URL, and using React Hooks (useState and useEffects).

I will only discuss technology that you are seeing for the first time.

Like what is passed to the PodcastDetailsScreen component.

function PodcastDetailsScreen({ match: { params: { collectionId } }, handlePause, handlePlay })

First the props is destructured to obtain the items inside - handlePause, handlePlay and collectionId.

handlePause and handlePlay are functions to be passed down to PodcastDetailsBody component.

collectionId is destructured from params which is destructured from match. collectionId is a portion of the URL that represents the id of a podcast. This route was defined in the URL in the MainSection.jsx file.

<Route exact path="/podcast/:collectionId" 
    render={(props) => (
        <PodcastDetailsScreen {...props} 
            handlePlay={handlePlay} />
)} />

The collectionId will be used to query the API to get details about the podcast in the getPodcast function that is at the bottom of PodcastDetailsScreen.jsx.

๐Ÿ’ก Checkpoint 4

๐Ÿ”— You can also find all the code for the fourth checkpoint here. Copy the parts that are missing from your project.

See a live version of the application so far. Click on 'Open Sandbox' to see the full code. Because the SideBar is not showing in the version below. Because the <iframe> is not wide enough to simulate a wider width screen.

Other parts of the tutorial

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 1

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 2

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 3

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 4

๐Ÿ“˜ How to Build a Podcast Player With React Js part 5
